How To Shrink Uggs Easily ? [The Complete Guide 2024]

Written By Sunny

I hear you want to shrink your ugg boots! In that case, you’ve landed in the right place.

After infinite hours of intense research and proper implementation, I’ve compiled this game-changing guide to answer all your questions.


Take your time and read each line carefully so you don’t miss a single bit of information. And, by the end of this article, you’ll thank me.

Can You Shrink Ugg Boots?

Yes, you indeed shrink ugg boots. However, your ugg boots need to be made up of genuine sheepskin, which is basically suede made from sheepskin. There’re different methods to shrink ugg boots. You can use vinegar or hot water to shrink them. Also, you can shrink them with a hair dryer.

Music to your ears, I suppose? And, why wouldn’t it be! I’ve seen lots of cases where one needs to shrink his/her uggs to get that perfect fit.

And, thank God, right? I really wish I could shrink other boots/shoes to get that perfect fit. It may not be possible for every other type of boots or shoes. But, let’s stick to our point, shall we?

You’ll be glad to know there are different types of methods to shrink ugg boots. And, the best thing is the ingredient/equipment you’ll need are quite easy to get.

Also, the cost will be a lot more friendly to your pocket. I conducted the shrinking process on one of my pairs of ugg boots. But remember, you can’t shrink your uggs as much as you want.

The shrinking has its limitations too! You can shrink about half a size to a full size quite comfortably. And, that should be your goal, too.

If you try to go far and beyond that point, there’s a very high chance you’ll end up disappointed. My experience says it’s always a good idea to stay within your limits.

You may also like to read: Do Koolaburra Uggs Run Big.

How To Shrink Ugg Boots| Answered

The process of shrinking ugg boots is relatively easy. Also, the ingredients are easy to get as well. But, you’ll need utmost precision. Otherwise, you may not get your desired result. And yes, I’ve listed the most simple and effective ways of doing so.

Here are the most effective methods to shrink ugg boots:

Method-1: Applying Vinegar And Water

This is one of the easiest and most effective ways to shrink ugg boots. You’ll just need a pair of old socks, vinegar, a medium sized bowl, and water. Follow these steps:


The first step of this process is to find a pair of old socks. Why old socks? Because the mechanism your socks will go through will make them unusable in the future. So, it’s better if you use a pair of old socks.

You can use a new pair, but that’s completely up to you.


The next part of the process is to add an equal portion of water and vinegar in the bowl. Many people tend use vinegar only. But, let me tell you; it’s always best for your boots to use a mixture of water and vinegar only.

If you think, using only vinegar will work better, then you’re wrong my friend. Trust me it won’t work better.


Now that you’ve prepared the solution, it’s time to immerse your socks in it. Do it in the medium sized bowl.


Now that you’ve immersed your socks in the bowl, keep it that way for five minutes.

Follow our guide on how to Clean Black Uggs.


Once you’ve reached the five minutes mark, remove your socks without wringing them. Let the excess solution drop off and proceed to the next step.


Place your socks inside your socks and spread them as much as possible. Leave them for about one to two hours. You’re almost there!


Once you’ve reached the two hour mark, remove the socks from your shoes.


Now, let your boots dry in a well ventilated area for atleast 24 hours. Avoid contact with direct sunlight or any kind of heating source, you’ll do more damage than good. Once they’ve dried, you’re all ready to go.


Method-2: Use Hot Water And Socks

Another effective way to shrink your ugg boots is to use hot water and socks. It’s pretty much the same process as the above one, without the inclusion of vinegar. And, hot water has a good reputation of shrinking different types of materials. Follow these steps:


Boil some water thoroughly, and pour it into a medium sized bowl.


Take your socks and immerse them in the bowl with hot water. Leave the socks in the bowl for five minutes.


Once you’ve reached the time mark, take your socks out. Don’t wring the songs, just allow the excess water to roll out.


Once the excess water has been drained, place your socks inside your shoes and spread them inside your shoes as much as you can. Leave the socks inside for 1-2 hours.


After you’ve reached 2 hours, take out the socks from your boots.


Now, let your ugg boots dry in a well ventilated area for at least 24 hours. Once they’ve dried off completely, you’re all ready to go.


Follow our guide on How To Wash Uggs In Washing Machine.

Method-3: Using the hair dryer

Another effective way to shrink ugg boots is to use a hair dryer. I know there are lots of questions coming to your mind. But trust me, you won’t damage your precious boots.

Follow these steps:


Take a medium sized bowl and fill it up with hot water.


Now, take a sponge/clean cloth and soak it in the water. You can also pour the hot water into a spray bottle. You just need to make sure the upper of your boots are completely wet and not drenched.


Take the hair dryer and put it on a low speed. Got even think of putting it in a high speed, it will damage your boots to a point of no turning back. Remember, the areas you blow dry first will shrink first. So, blow the dryer in places where you need it more.


Once you’re done fully blow-drying your uggs; it’s time to check out the fit. If the boots have shrunk to your desired fit, then great!

Otherwise, it’s better you repeat the process. And yes, always keep the speed to “low”, high-speed can easily ruin your footwear.


Important Tips To Remember While Shrinking Uggs

Now that you know some effective ways of shrinking ugg boots, it’s time know some important tips. These tips will help you to get a better result from the very first.

Here are some important tips while shrinking ugg boots:

  • Ugg boots are very sensitive. Therefore, you need to be very very careful when you apply heat. Too much of heat can easily ruin them. And, I said it time and time again. so, it’s in your best interest if you keep this in mind.
  • Never use direct vinegar to shrink ugg boots. The damages can be fatal. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to dilute them. Trust me, you don’t want to damage your entire upper.
  • Never ever submerge your ugg boots indirect water or any other form of liquid. Not only will they catch mold or fungus. But, the sheepskin will get damaged too. And, there’s the surety of the sole and the upper coming apart as well.
  • Sheepskin is suede, and you should never apply leather polish to suede. You can easily do it for full-grain leather, but not for sale. If you think your uggs have lost their gloss, I’d recommend you dye them, as it’s the only logical solution.

Do Ugg Boots Stretch?

A big yes, ugg boots definitely stretch with time. All genuine sheepskin do! So, if you plan to buy genuine sheepskin ugg boots you should have a snug yet tight fit, but not too tight. You can rest assured, that after a certain amount of time the tightness will give in, and you’ll feel just right.

You can call the stretching of ugg boots a type of breaking-in. Other types of leather boots stretch after a certain time of use, too.

So, it’s not a coincidence that sheepskin stretches. As it’s a form of leather too. Therefore, you’re advised to get a snug fit while purchasing ugg boots. But, make sure your boots are not too tight, as you won’t be able to wear them in the first place.

Also, keep in mind not to use thick or any kind of socks with ugg boots. Thick socks can stretch ugg boots beyond proportion.

I know you were planning to use a nice pair of socks with your ugg boots, but that’s not recommended. You need to wear them barefooted to get that signature ugg comfort.

Also, read more on How To Protect Ugg Boots.

Parting Thoughts

Yes, you can shrink your ugg boots. But, to a certain extent of course! You can’t stretch your ugg boots as much as you want. Trying to shrink or stretch them too much can easily ruin them.

I’ve listed some of the most convenient and cost-effective ways of shrinking ugg boots for your convenience. Do let me (down in the comment section below) about your experience.

Don’t feel shy to correct me in places where I’m wrong. I’d love that if I’m speaking the truth. It’s a wrap for today. Take care.

About The Author
Sunny is all about action and activities. He finds it difficult to contain himself. Be it motorcycling, playing football, or exploring the great outdoors, he loves to keep his legs busy.Sunny quickly realized the importance of footwear to keep himself going healthily. This was when he decided to share all his knowledge and expertise regarding different footwear and their significance.Now, he’s on a mission with this humble platform by his side. With time he plans on doing bigger and better things.Apart from his writing and other hobbies, he loves spending time with his cat Sophie. He loves to cook for his friends and family too.

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