Are Converse Non-slip?[Slip Resistance of Converse]

Written By Sunny

As casual, versatile wear, Converse shoes are still maintaining their hype. If you are into Converse and wanna wear them all year round, you need to know if these sneakers are non-slip for rainy days or slippy in workplaces.


I will answer whether the iconic Converse shoes are anti-slip and other gripping information through this context.

So, read through!

Is Converse Slip Resistance?

Yes, Converse shoes are non-slip. The main reason is the gum rubber-made sole and the slip-resistance thread patterns. This feature ensures excellent grip on slippy surfaces and prevents accidents. They are also great to use on the indoor sports court.

As Converse is pretty good to pair with most of my casual outfits, I bought several pairs over the years. Among them, Converse Slip-resistance High Top is my go-to.


This versatile black beauty gives me a fantastic grip while walking, and even for athletic purposes such as tennis, I am also comfortable with converse. The steel toe feature is an excellent form of protection as well.

I added an extra insole for more cushion.

However, you can also remove the insole of your Converse according to your preference.

Why Converse Are Non-slip Shoes?

The features are the main reason Converse is a Non-slip sneaker. The significant facts are the rubber sole and the geometric patterns of the outsole. For a better understanding, you have to know the details ins and out.

Let’s find out why Converse shoes are slip-resistant:

Gum Rubber Sole

The main reason behind the non-slip feature of your favorite Converse is the outsole which is made of gum rubber. This interesting element warms up because of the friction with the ground and your body temperature.

This provides more grip while walking.

Also, Gum rubber is extremely grippy on slippery surfaces. Thus, you don’t have to worry much.


This kind of rubber is also used in basketball and other athletic sneakers. Also, these volcanized rubber outsoles work great against water, cement, abrasion, chemicals, and oil.

That makes converse quite safe for workplaces. As you continue to wear them, notice if your converse stretches over time. If so, the fit will be more comforting.

Diamond Shaped Thread

Another iconic feature is the diamond patterned threads which gave Converse sneakers another level of recognition. This clever design helps to safely hold onto your body weight on the wet ground.

As I mentioned before, I own several pairs of converse, and I love the diamond-structured thread on the heel of my Chuck Tailor.

It helps my shoes stick better when I walk. And the mark it leaves on the wet mud is interesting with those circle or hexagon patterns.

Not just these, there are so many other ways to know if your shoes are slip-resistant. So, make sure you know every detail.

The benefit of these comfy sneakers is they provide extra flexibility and stability. You will also get proper arch support, which is a must-have feature of a good shoe.

Are Converse Non-slip Shoes for Restaurants?

Unfortunately, Converse is not so suitable as a restaurant shoe. Instead, it’s pretty dangerous, I must say, due to the wet tiled floor, spills, and the fast-paced movements of the workers. Though Converse is non-slip, still such an environment is not ideal for pairing them.

But if you still want to wear them, go with the Hybrid Chuck Taylor All-Star Lugged sneaker for more support and hold. This model has an outsole that is more textured than the other ones.

Though it looks huge but super comfy as well.

One more thing, have you ever wondered why Converse is called Chucks? There is an interesting story behind it.

Are Converse Anti-Slip Work Shoes?

You can wear your favorite Converse to work as they are slip-resistant. However, if you have to put them on for an extended period of time, you won’t get enough arch support, and eventually, you will end up with foot pain. So, be mindful.

Add a padded insole to avoid pain from prolonged wear and for more cushion and support during your long tiring duty time.

To make your sneaker more grippy, use grip sprays. These sprays work relatively well and are also inexpensive. So you don’t have to worry about the budget.

Also, check out if Converse is good for wide feet if your feet size is broad than the regular size criteria.


Are All Converse Slip Resistant?

Not all Converse shoes are non-slip. But a majority of them are. You can choose according to your need.

Is All-Star Converse Shoe Non-slip?

Yes, Converse All-Star is non-slip due to its diamond-patterned gum rubber outsole. Also, because of the same reason, the black converse is also slip-resistant.

Are Converse Slippery On Ice?

Yes, Converse is slippery on ice and even on snowy surfaces. So, avoid wearing your shoes when it snows.

Are Lugged Converse Shoes Anti-slip?

Lugged Converse sneakers are anti-slip, even more than other models. As its outsole is more structured, and the patterns provide more grip.

Bottom Line

There is no doubt Converse shoes are a staple pair for anyone’s shoe closet. This versatile sneaker goes with every outfit possible.

The slip-resistance added more reason why converse would be in everyone’s possession. You got a clear concept of the non-slip feature of these iconic shoes.

If you wanna know about more unique features of Converse, comment below.

About The Author
Sunny is all about action and activities. He finds it difficult to contain himself. Be it motorcycling, playing football, or exploring the great outdoors, he loves to keep his legs busy.Sunny quickly realized the importance of footwear to keep himself going healthily. This was when he decided to share all his knowledge and expertise regarding different footwear and their significance.Now, he’s on a mission with this humble platform by his side. With time he plans on doing bigger and better things.Apart from his writing and other hobbies, he loves spending time with his cat Sophie. He loves to cook for his friends and family too.

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