About Easmin Mishu

Written By rajib

Meet Mishu, a dynamic and inspiring individual who has ventured beyond her profession as a pharmacist to become a passionate shoe enthusiast.


Contact Mishu

Ignition of Passion

Mishu’s journey into the world of shoes was influenced by her uncle, who owns a shoe store and allowed her to explore and ignite her love for footwear.

She used to roam around and immerse herself in the captivating realm of shoes.

The most interesting fact about Mishu is that she is balancing two worlds happily. Here’s a small quote from her:

Although my background lies in medicine, my love for shoes has led me down a different path.

With years of experience in researching and understanding the complexities of various medications, she brings her analytical skills and attention to detail to the world of footwear.

The transition from pharmaceuticals to shoes was a significant turning point for Mishu. She realized that shoes were not just functional necessities but powerful expressions of style and personality.

Mishu’s fascination with shoes grew as she developed a keen eye for exquisite designs, quality craftsmanship, and the ability of footwear to elevate any outfit.

Mishu’s avid belief is that you should look good and feel good in your shoes.

She proudly introduces herself as a pharmacist turned shoe enthusiast!